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LSU SRP Attends Superfund Research Program 2014 Annual Meeting


Members of the LSU SRP attended the Superfund Research Program (SRP) Annual Meeting in San Jose, California on November 12th -14th. The meeting provided a forum for discussing new research, technology, communication, and community engagement in areas related to the SRP mission. Three LSU SRP trainees presented on their latest research involving environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) and members of the Community Engagement and Research Translation Cores presented on their work with community partners.  


The Community Engagement and Research Translation Cores  participated in a separate meeting prior to the main meeting to hear speakers and participate in discussions related to communication strategies for forming stronger connections with communities, non-government organizations, and public agencies. Community Engagement Core leader, Margret Reams, served on the planning committee for the Research Translation and Community Engagement meeting, and led a session on "Evaluation for SRP Translation and Engagement." Click here for more.